Monday, July 27, 2015

What Now? Smile and Wave!

Over the past few days, I'm had the unfortunate pleasure of interacting with adults that I just don't agree with, either fundamentally or philosophically.  And while the internet in general is not a place to air dirty laundry or hang folks out to dry, I just wonder what to do, so what now?  

During Kinder summer school, I had a few kiddos who loved to tattle tell, about the silliest stuff.  I took the time to hopefully give them a couple of tools that will help.  1. Stick your tongue out and walk away. Yeah, ok, when you're 6 years old, you can get away with it, but at 38 years old, not so much.  2. Tell them to leave you alone and walk away.  3. Tell them that's not nice and walk away.  In all cases, it was walk away.  But what if as an adult, you can't walk away from the situation or person, what now?

I don't proclaim to have all the right answers, as evidenced above, but this I do know.  A smile and a head nod goes a long way to keeping the peace.  My absolute favorite movie quote of all time, comes from the Penguins of Madagascar at end of the movie when their ship is finally found and it starts to sail away, and one of the penguins leans over and says, "You think we should tell them it's out of gas." and the other one says, "No, just smile and wave boys, smile and wave."
I'm not saying it's right, but as I often tell my own children, "Would you rather be right or happy?"  So as school starts and you encounter folks that you don't agree with, for whatever reason, I hope that you will find some way to keep the peace and help everyone remember to keep the main thing the main thing.  Kids! 

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