Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Me or We?

Since I've been so excited about going back to the class, my creative brain has been working overtime.  Pinterest has been my friend, Amazon wishlists, and Google searches.  I'm very interested in flexible seating arrangements, class jobs, and ways to organize minimally, along with all my techie things.  And I'm excited about the possibilities.  However, what I've noticed is that me has entered into my thoughts more than we.  See if this sounds familiar: "Boy, I wish I had this for my class." "Man this would be so cool in my class." "Wow, that's an amazing way to set up my class."  See it's all me, me, me thoughts.  And I'm finding that I have to remind myself that there's a we involved.  All the ideas I've found and really would like to have, have to work for the we, our students.  After all, schools are for students, not so adults can have jobs.  It's a quote I found from kidsdeserveit.com and I love it!  

So, yes, some of the things I want, serve a selfish purpose, to help me be a better teacher, but I have to keep in mind that the majority of the things and ideas I find need to help the we.  Seating to help my struggling learners, my wiggly kiddos, to inspire creativity in my students.  Class jobs to create a community in our class, to give students value and affirm their opinions and decisions.  Organization systems that help me stay on top of things for families, students become better learners and be able to access learning quicker with safety in mind when moving about.  And techie things, well that's a duh.  Love technology, but not just technology for technology sake.  Technology to help develop creators, innovators, and problem solvers.

Just a reflection from my searches lately...I hope you and I both keep this in mind as we close out our school year.  Even with the 6 days left in my district, we still have opportunities to impact students {and staff} positively and send them into summer excited to try something new, excited about school, and with goals to work towards. Yes, goals, even through the summer.  My mantra...I seriously love learning!  We need every opportunity to instill this love of learning into our students.  Let's not waste a single minute.

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