Saturday, April 15, 2017

Crying Over a Hot Dog

Today, I cried over a hot dog.  I'm just going to let that thought soak in for a minute.

I know that sounds strange, like maybe I should have my hormones checked or something, but it was what that hot dog represented.  Follow me for a minute if you will.

There are many, and I do mean millions, of people who are the "doers" of the world.  They get things done.  They make things happen.  They are your teachers, administrators, parents, pastors, first responders, etc.  Day in and day out, they SERVE.  And it's generally not because of the extraordinary pay they receive, it's because it's who they are.  It's what they were born to do.  It's the work ethic that was ingrained in them from very early on.  It's because they see a need and without being asked, step in to help, to lend a hand, to support in some way.  It's because they want to show love to others by their actions.  I could go on but I think you get the point.

For me, I am a full time teacher, full time Mom, full time wife, full time leader in Children's Ministry.  I am always ON.  There isn't a moment that someone or something doesn't demand my attention.  Always ON.  My days don't belong to me, they belong to those that are placed in my care, who I've been blessed with.  But those blessings, can become draining sometimes, and sometimes those leaders, those servants, just need to be served, with no ulterior motives, no mention of a donation or payment, for nothing in return.  So, today I cried over that hot dog as I took my youngest beauty to an egg hunt that another church was having.  I was being served just because someone wanted to show love to others and asked nothing in return.  I cried because of their generosity, because of the time and effort, and yes finances that they used to serve others.  And because I was on the receiving end of that.  It's a rare event for me to be on that served side of the table and not on the servant side.  I'm not complaining by any means, but WOW, how many leaders need to just be served from time to time too?  For me, my love language is through Acts of Service.  I know this about myself, so when someone serves me without being asked or without asking for something in return, WOW!  I'm blown away.  That's what that hot dog was to me today, so I cried.  You can laugh at me if you want, I know it's a lot silly to cry over a hot dog, but maybe we should stop and think about our leaders.  I would venture to say that the majority of them are loved through Acts of Service, because that's why they are leaders, they serve others.  But how nice would it be to serve them?

This semester has been a hard one for me.  Many challenges, not even worth dwelling on, but for those challenges, I say this: I wouldn't be attacked it God didn't have something great in store or if He wasn't already using me to His Glory.  I truly believe that teaching is my calling in life.  That I've been placed there to make a difference in my student's lives and to reassure my families who are worried about their child's academics and entering middle school.  But golly gee, if it isn't also the hardest thing in life too.  As a teacher, or parent, or really anyone in a leadership position, you have to absorb so much negativity from others with a smile on your face and reassuring and calming words from your lips, while some ugly thoughts run through your brain.  So, how can you serve a leader today?  How can you lighten their load?  How can you reassure your leaders that God has placed in your life?  For some, just a kind word will go a long way.  For others, solving your own problems is a blessing.  (At least to me with my teen daughters.)  And yet for others, acts of service may be just what they need.  Picking up trash, doing their dishes, collecting supplies after an event, etc.

So, as a leader myself, I am challenged by that hot dog to serve my leaders too and not only those left in my care.  I hope you have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Dorothy,
    I cried over your blog post! Thank you for sharing your experience! I am so thankful you were able to come to our event, not be in charge and experience unconditional love and care! I know too well what a blessing it is to be served and loved on when you spend your life serving others! Your precious words and encouragement will be shared with our volunteer leadership and team! Thank you for taking the time to share! May God continue to bless your Kingdom work and may you experience days of rest and encouragement in your journey!
    Servants Together,
    Kristi Goodman
    Preschool/Children's Minister
    FBC Tomball
