Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Where I am, PLC's seem to be getting a lot of attention in recent school years.  So, what exactly is a PLC?  Well, probably the most cited article on this topic is by Robert DuFour, called "What is a 'Professional Learning Community'?"  You can hear directly from Robert DuFour on YouTube here.  Solution Tree: Robert DuFour on the Importance of PLCs.  The basic gist is to move planning sessions/groups from "What do we need to teach?" to "How will we teach it and how will we know that our students were successful at this skill/topic?"  Then moving further to "How are we going to help our students who are still struggling and move our ones "getting it" further in their learning?"  Pflugerville ISD has a video here that exemplifies a PLC's purpose.  Reflection is the key.  Excellence in teaching cannot be done in isolation.  We need each other.  We need collaboration.  But simply gathering with your team does not ensure success.  Steve Weber gives us 5 dysfunctions to be on the look out for.  Watch the video below to get more info.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

21st Century Learning

So, what is it?  Why is it so important and relevant today?  Can a 21st century learner be created without technology?

According to Education Week, a 21st century learner can be defined as someone who collaborates, thinks critically, problem solves, and is digitally literate.  I would add that it can also be defined as someone who loves learning, while what appears to be playing, and they are very relational, communicating and connecting in some surprising and creative ways.  "The Partnership for 21st century schools, a national organization advocating for 21st century readiness for every student , explains the outcomes of this transformation as fusing the three R's with four C's: critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration" (Blair, 2012).  Perhaps the MacArthur Foundation might illustrate the point a little better.

I'd like to hear your feedback on this topic, so please WSQ with me by visiting my padlet.

Friends of my school will be entered into a drawing for a prize for responding, but hurry because the deadline for recording your response on the padlet is Wednesday, November 5th, 2014.
