Thursday, December 3, 2015

It's a Great Day to be Alive!

No matter how much I prepare myself, it always seems to catch to me in time, finances, cooking, etc each December.  In light of all the craziness of this world, I know it's not much to complain about after all.  In fact, I have often told others that any day above ground is a good one.  And that there are others who would love to have my bad day.  So, even though the kids are going off the rails, in need of a recall button for email that day, the gas tank is empty on a cold night, I'm up to my elbows in apple peels knowing I promised to make homemade applesauce, and the people I've been asking for an invoice waited five months and sprung it on me now before Christmas, I can still be grateful and appreciative for much.  For my husband's health now for nearly a year with only three doctor visits during 2015 after fifteen days in the hospital this time last year.  For my added work done with college.  For my three beauties (my daughters) who are my right hand with chores and tasks with happy hearts.  For a car that works.  For a warm home and soft bed each night.  For large, happy, blessed families (there's twenty three on my side of the family and sixteen on my husband's side).  For food on the table each day.  For my God that loves me.  And for so much more.  

I have this saying hanging on my cabinet at school that says this:
During this crazy, but meaningful season, I hope you have some moments, where you can just sit, relax, take a breath, and just simply be with those you love most.  Lately, my husband has turned off the TV in our home in favor of good music and tonight this one came on.  It is indeed a great day to be alive, so I hope you, like me, take moments to savor the time we do have with others.

1 comment:

  1. Your husband's health is truly a blessing from God. Your father and I continue to pray not only for him but for all of your siblings and their families. Yea for college over and done. As I go to sleep in my warm house and cosy bed I worry about God's family-the homeless, the refugees fleeing violence, poverty and other atrocities who will find no room in the Inn,the children neglected and abused. Where are God's people? Where are our church's that could supply basic needs? I would love to see a church open it's gym or activity center so that the homeless and others could have a warm place to sleep and a meal. Joe O.'s church could house thousands. Maybe a little less prayer and a little more action?
