Monday, December 14, 2015

Productively Distracted

Since Thanksgiving, in our home, there's been tons of music, and less of TV and football, as much of a fan as we are.  On one such occasion, after fighting over the Chromecast on the big screen, I ended up winning this particular night, and discovered this sermon called, "Death by Distraction".  I strongly encourage you to watch, or even listen as you commute.
Something he said in there really struck me as I sit, think, reflect, pray, and commute weekly and daily.  The phrase that resonated with me is "productively distracted".  As he went on to explain, we can be distracted from our true calling, our true mission by doing other productive things.  Things that are important, necessary, but seem to consume our day, our thoughts, our time.

So, of course, I started thinking of things that take me from my own calling, which is that of my family and kids, and the kids at my school.  I left the classroom five years ago, having been asked by my Principal at that time, to take on a leadership role.  I accepted thinking I could help many more students by helping teachers, and for a while I did that.  After some time, the stress and roadblocks finally won out, and I decided it was time for a change.  But during those years, I was challenged to get my Master's degree, and as part of that program to take on my weakness of technology, which ultimately became my passion and drives me even now.  I also realized during those years, how I became productively distracted by doing things that are necessary but didn't have a lasting, eternal impact like leading and guiding and investing in my own family, own kids, and even my own students.  So, with that information, what is one to do?  For me, it took realizing what's truly important, making choices to prove that importance, and learning to say no.  So, I hope you take time this season to reflect as a year comes to a close here quickly, and evaluate what's truly important in your life, and then take steps to prove that importance.

1 comment:

  1. productively distracted".that's a great thought. I agree. I know I can get caught up in things I think are important but might not be. Is my faith more important than my family? Do I understand God's word like I should? My pastor teaches that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Do I see that? God loves everyone-the homeless, the refugees fleeing Syria, the man crossing the border without papers to send money back to his family, the family fleeing poverty and violence to try to give their children a better life. These, according to The Word, are my family. and how do we treat them? by being productive and distracted in other areas and forgetting what God has called us to do?Matthew 25:35, Isaiah 58:10, James 2:14-18. First I have to decide what should be the focus and then become productive.
